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Study finish guideines

To successfully finish the study it is necessary to meet the following requirements

Before submitting the thesis it is necessary in advance to pick up the original of the Master`s Thesis assignment (signed) from the relevant department (relevant department is the one student has passed the project at and where he/she has submitted the thesis assignment) and then insert it in the thesis.

A1) submit the Master’s thesis:

a) by the submision deadline (see the academic year schedule) (23:59) insert the Master’s thesis in the electronic form in the *.pdf format including all annexis (possible annexis in format according the thesis’s supervisor) in the KOS system

  • after login in the KOS system ( choose in the upper part of the site the bookmark „Státní zkoušky“ (State examination) and choose from the menu the option „Závěrečné práce“ (Final thesis)


  • in the down part of the site in the table „Závěrečná práce“ (Final thesis) choose in the line with the thesis’s name the option „Editace“ (Edit) in the column „Akce“ (Action)


  • in the table for final thesis insert
    • appears the pre-filled name of the thesis in Czech and in English (rows „Název VŠKP:“  (Name of the thesis) and „Název VŠKP anglicky:“ (Name of the thesis in English)) and the name (names) of the supervisor of the thesis (row „Osoby podílející se na vedení VŠKP:“ (Persons supervising the thesis) – students verify the name of the thesis (in both languages) as these names are written on the Diploma suplement.
    • students check (if needed correct) the language of the thesis in the row „Jazyk VŠKP:“ (Language of the thesis)
  • students fill in the entry Abstrakt česky:“ (Abstract in Czech), „Abstrakt anglicky:“ (Abstract in English), „Klíčová slova česky:“ (Keywords in Czech) and „Klíčová slova anglicky:“  (Keywords in English) from their thesis (mandatory)
  •  to fill in the entries „Podnázev VŠKP:“ (Thesis subtitle in Czech) and „Podnázev VŠKP anglicky:“ (Thesis subtitle in English) is optional


  • it is recommended to name the diploma thesis file and the annexes as short as possible, without diacritic marks! and without the student’s name and without the word master’s thesis, as the KOS system assigns to the files the following automatic generated names:
  •  the file with the master’s thesis textem <F6-DP-{year}-name-surname-{student’s file name}.pdf>
  •  the files with the thesis annexis <F6-DP-{year}-name-surname-annex-{ student’s file name}.pdf>


  •  students in the rows „Závěrečná práce:“ (Final thesis), or. Uložení přílohy závěrečné práce:“ (Upload of the thesis’s annex) of the table for thesis submission by the options: „Procházet..“  (Browse) choose particular files with the text (in the *.pdf format), or. annexis of their thesis

     „Uložit“ (Safe) confirm the upload of their files

after the upload of the files students choose for all the files the option „zveřejnit ihned“ (publish now) (in case this thesis was not assigned as secret according to article. 15 item. 11 of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013)

students in the row „Licenční smlouva“ (Licence agreement) of the table for thesis upload tick off the option „Souhlasím s licenční smlouvou“ (I agree with the licence agreement) (in case this thesis was not assigned as secret according to article. 15 item. 11 of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013) and thus approve the CTU licence agreement on usage of this university thesis according § 60 of the law no.121/2000 Sb.


  • in the down part of the page (below the table for thesis upload) students by the option:

 „Uložit“ (Save) can continously save their texts and later change them till the deadline

 „Kontrola před odevzdáním“ (Check before the submission) checks fulfillment of all the obligatory tasks before the submission

 „Potvrdit odevzdání“ (Confirm the submission) confirms the final submission of the thesis without the possibility of any further changes in the texts and files


b) by the deadline for the thesis submission in paper form (see the academic year schedule) submit the Master’s thesis in one (or two - depending on the requirements of the deparment where the student has done his project ) paper original (without the need to insert CD with the electronic version of the thesis) to the

  • secretary of the exam commission (in case they have their thesis assigned at the department that organizes final state examinations) (according Article. 15 item 16 of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013)
  • secretary of the department where they have assigned the thesis (in case they have their thesis assigned at the department that does not organiz final state examinations) (according Article. 15 item 16 of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013)


Department K620 requires 2 copies (in total) of the Master's thesis:

The paper copy for the faculty must have hard cover.  

The paper copy for the deparment need not to have hard cover (can have spiral binding, etc.)


A2) by the deadline for the check of study results(see the academic year schedule) registers for the check of the study results:


a) First check in the KOS system that all their results in the Students‘ record (index) are identical the the entries in the KOS system

  • if there is an entry of a passed course missing in the KOS system, student contacts

lecturer of the course (according article 2 item 2 part a) of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013)

assigned employee of the department responsible for this issue according article 2 item. 7 of the Dean’s directive č. 1 / 2013) with the request for insert of the particular item


b) deliver at the Study department the paper form registration to the Finish of Master Study:

  • in the form it is necessary to fill in the date and classification of all the courses according the recommended study plan  
  • the forms can be downloaded from the faculty internet pages in the part „Formuláře pro zakončení studia nebo jejich bloků“

 it is necessary to choose the correct form according the study field and year of study finish (according the standard study duration)


c) deliver to the Study department the students‘ record (index), where must be marked all the passed assignments, classified assignments and exams


A3) by the deadline for the registration for the final state exam (see the academic year schedule) (23:59) after the check of the study results register to the final state exam electronically in the KOS system:


a) after the registration in the KOS system (viz choose in the upper part of the site the bookmark „Státní zkoušky“ (State exams) and choose from the list the option „Státní závěrečné zkoušky“ (Final state exams)

  • before the registration to the final state exam it is recommended to use the option „Kontrola před SZZ“ (check before the final state exam) to verify all requirements (see below) necessary for the registration to final state exam according the Dean’s directive 1/2013 have been met
  • finish successfully the study according to article 7 of the Dean’s directive 1 / 2013, i.e. fulfil the conditions above in this document
  • by the deadline for the thesis submission uploaded in the electronic form in the KOS system the Master’s thesis following the procedure describe above in this document and their thesis has been accepted by their supervisor (see the procedure below)  


  • when one of these conditions is not met the KOS system will not allow the students to register for the final state exam!!!


b) in the part „Předměty / okruhy SZZ“ (Courses / final state exam fields) students:

  • in case the courses for the oral part of the final state exams are all mandatory, students find here the list of the courses
  • in case students can choose some of the courses for the oral part of the final state exam based on their specialization, students choose here from the list 


c) in part „Termíny SZZ“ (Terms of final state exam) students:

  • find information on the time period when the final state exam (SZZ) take place (from the academic year schedule) and the latest possible date when it is possible to register for the final state exam  
  • the registration for the final state exam students do by the button „Přihlásit“ (Register) at the end of the row (in the column „Akce“(Action))


A4) when the reports on the thesis are completed (supervisor’s and opponent’s), students can find them in the KOS system:


a) after registration in the KOS system ( student chooses in the upper part of the site the bookmark  „Státní zkoušky“ (State exam) and chooses from the list the option „Závěrečné práce“ (Final thesis)

b) in the down part of the site in the table called „Závěrečná práce“ (Final theis) chooses in the row with the name of the thesis the option „Prohlédnout“ (View) (in the column  „Akce“ (Action))

c) in the table called „Údaje o závěrečné práci“ (Final thesis data) it is possible to view the report:

  • from the supervisor(s) of the thesis by the option „Zobrazit“ (View) in the row „Osoby podílející se na vedení VŠKP:“ (Persons participating in the thesis supervision)
  • from the opponenta of the thesis by the option „Zobrazit“ (View) in the row „Oponenti:“ (Opponents)


A5) Students have to return their student’s card back to the Computing and Information Centre, VIC ČVUT, Bechyňova 3, 166 29 Praha 6 after passing the final state exam

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